Peninsula Advanced Trees grow a variety of Australian Native trees suitable for planting along Eastern Australia. Indigenous Trees of Mornington Peninsula are also grown. The majority of Australian Natives are grown in Anti-spiral pots that promote a fibrous root system.
Varieties include:
- Acacia spp.
- Agonis spp.
- Allocasuarina spp.
- Angophora spp.
- Banksia spp.
- Brachychiton
- Callistemon spp.
- Corymbia spp.
- Elaeocarpus reticulatus
- Hakea spp.
- Hymenosporum flavum
- Leptospernum spp.
- Lophostemon confertus
- Melaleuca spp.
- Melia azedarach
- Syzygium spp.
- Tristaniopsis spp.
- Waterhousea floribunda
Below are three of our favourite selections within the AUSTRALIAN NATIVES range:

Agonis Flexuosa 'Burgundy' - BURGUNDY WILLOW MYRTLE
This variety of Agonis has become a popular landscape choice in recent times. It makes an ideal feature or can be planted as a screen offering a soft weeping habit. The burgundy tips make it compatible with most modern plantings and looks fantastic when used around timber and/or stone.
Best planted in a full sun position that is well drained.

Corymbia Ficifolia 'Wildfire' - GRAFTED RED FLOWERING GUM
A spectacular grafted flowering gum variety that flowers throughout the Summer. Bird attracting and an ideal landscape feature. Best planted in a full sun position that is well drained.

Eucalyptus Leucoxylon 'Rosea' - RED FLOWERING YELLOW GUM
A spectacular tree in flower from late Autumn to early Spring. Commonly planted throughout Melbourne gardens, streetscapes and parks. A beautiful tree that offers so much.